5 unwritten life rules everyone should follow

Listen up, sidewalk hogs.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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There are rules that are encoded in law, and then there are rules you haven't read anywhere, but should still follow. That's why Redditor Ovenproofcorgi asked the Internet, "What is one 'unwritten rule' you think everyone should know and follow?"

Based on responses, it's clear that people don't always follow guidelines for basic human decency. If you don't know these five rules or willfully ignore them, take note or heed the wrath of everyone around you:

1. Don't make fun of someone's laugh

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2. Be on time

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3. Don't take up the whole friggin' sidewalk

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4. Get everything in writing

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5. Don't ask questions you can Google

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Redditor PM_ME_BAY_AREA_GIRLS said not to ask anyone for help with an electronic device before you've tried turning it off and on again, and miserablemelon added, "Or Googled it to see if anyone else has had that problem." 

That last piece of advice really applies to anything. Don't ask people for help or information if you haven't already Googled it, or you're wasting everyone's time.

If anyone tries that nonsense with you, you can always direct them to this link

Even though these rules are unwritten, you probably had some idea they should be followed. If you've dodged them anyway, you now have no excuse: They've been written, and the Internet is as good a place as any to make them official.

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